Monday, June 29, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Hunter Valley, The Wine Country Part 2)


This is the Hunter Valley Airport, where visitors can take a short plane ride or rise up in the hot-air balloon.

Still the first day at Hunter's. With the sun setting soon, we came to the Broken Back Bar for dinner...

Good food, nice scenery, great view...
And most importantly... GOOD WINE!!!
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...
Looking at the beautiful stars in the sky of the countryside...
Wished you were here...
To be continued...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Hunter Valley, The Wine Country Part 1)

Next stop, Hunter Valley (AKA Wine Country). It was really an eye-opener for me in this trip to the Wine Country. A totally different kind of relaxed lifestyle from the fast-paced city I live in.
The friendliness of the people, beautiful scenery, animals roaming freely in the land, and of course, not forgetting the good wine, all made my good three days' stay.

Sydney's Hunter Valley is an Australian wine and food destination that attracts visitors all year round. It has been an influence on the area’s investments in wine production and its emergence as a tourist destination. There are dozens of wineries, ranging from large multi-nationals to small family run operations. The Hunter Valley is situated 160 kilometres north west of Sydney.

(Information source: Wikipedia)

We drove there in 2 cars. Setting off early one morning straight after breakfast.
For one of the cars, we were given a free "upgrade" to a higher category by the Car-Rental, as they ran out of the category which we reserved for earlier...

I drove this Black-Beauty on the way to Hunter's and simply loved it's performance!!! ;)

Towards the North of Sydney, driving right through the Sydney Harbour Bridge which leads us to the Highway...

This is how it looks when we drove on and through the Sydney Harbour Bridge...

Look closely, can you see some visitors climbing, halfway on the bridge??


After 3 hours drive, we finally arrived. Immediately I felt immersed in the culture of the carefree-lifestyle of this place.
This is the first winery we stopped for some wine-tasting, Wollombi Wine...
Look at the horses and cows roaming freely on the grassland...

This is the cozy little hut which we had our first wine-tasting of this trip...

One can find many beautiful bright-coloured flowers in the wineries...

Ooh... you can even find them in boots...

After some wine-tasting at Wollombi, we continued driving to Elfin Hill, where we reserved for our accomodation...

Let's check out the surroundings...

To be continued...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Within the City Part 3)


Continued from the previous post, finally arriving at our destination, Manly Wharf...

Manly is a small town, just a few steps ahead, after passing by rows of shops, we arrived at Manly Beach...
We can see people surfing in this cold weather...

We didn't stay long, just a few shots and we were catching the ferry back to
Circular Quay...
On the return ferry trip, we could see the
Opera House from the front...
(These shots were taken from the ferry)

A zoomed shot... Can you see visitors climbing at the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge?

And we're back at Circular Quay...

Caught Spidey moonlighting for a part-time balloon job...

We're suppose to take a train back to our hotel, the scenery is so nice that I just can't stop shooting...

Mentioned in the previous entry, I got a "Day-Tripper" which entitled me for unlimited train & ferry rides the whole day...
It was near dinner time and getting dark... all my colleagues had their own activities with partners & families...
I was alone then and didn't want to waste the ticket which I had only used it for the morning ferry ride... So I decided to just hop on to a train and go anywhere, without any destination in mind...

Double decker trains...

Guess what?? Before realising it, I was back at Circular Quay station...

I decided to walk nearer/into the Opera House compound to explore.
Nothing much, just some bars along the river, and restaurants with sea-view dining.
One is not allowed to enter the building without any passes or tickets...

Then an idea striked... I just remembered that the "Day-Tripper" allowed me to take ferry-rides too. I ran to the wharf, just in time for the last Mosman ferry. I hopped on it after verifying with the staffs that this ferry goes in a loop and will bring me back to Circular Quay if I don't alight.

Guess every ferry departing from Circular Quay will pass by the Opera House

To be continued...
(That's the end of "Within the City" posts, will be posting pictures from Hunter Valley in the next entries)

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