Friday, June 26, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Hunter Valley, The Wine Country Part 1)

Next stop, Hunter Valley (AKA Wine Country). It was really an eye-opener for me in this trip to the Wine Country. A totally different kind of relaxed lifestyle from the fast-paced city I live in.
The friendliness of the people, beautiful scenery, animals roaming freely in the land, and of course, not forgetting the good wine, all made my good three days' stay.

Sydney's Hunter Valley is an Australian wine and food destination that attracts visitors all year round. It has been an influence on the area’s investments in wine production and its emergence as a tourist destination. There are dozens of wineries, ranging from large multi-nationals to small family run operations. The Hunter Valley is situated 160 kilometres north west of Sydney.

(Information source: Wikipedia)

We drove there in 2 cars. Setting off early one morning straight after breakfast.
For one of the cars, we were given a free "upgrade" to a higher category by the Car-Rental, as they ran out of the category which we reserved for earlier...

I drove this Black-Beauty on the way to Hunter's and simply loved it's performance!!! ;)

Towards the North of Sydney, driving right through the Sydney Harbour Bridge which leads us to the Highway...

This is how it looks when we drove on and through the Sydney Harbour Bridge...

Look closely, can you see some visitors climbing, halfway on the bridge??


After 3 hours drive, we finally arrived. Immediately I felt immersed in the culture of the carefree-lifestyle of this place.
This is the first winery we stopped for some wine-tasting, Wollombi Wine...
Look at the horses and cows roaming freely on the grassland...

This is the cozy little hut which we had our first wine-tasting of this trip...

One can find many beautiful bright-coloured flowers in the wineries...

Ooh... you can even find them in boots...

After some wine-tasting at Wollombi, we continued driving to Elfin Hill, where we reserved for our accomodation...

Let's check out the surroundings...

To be continued...


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