Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Batam Weekend Getaway (Part 1)

Had a 2D1N "weekend getaway" in Batam some time ago. Had been wanting to post this but was having some frustrating problems in uploading the pictures to blogspot... Anyway...
At the ferry terminal, waiting for the ferry to take-off...
Took a few shots of the morning sun. Very glaring, but nice...

And finally after waiting and waiting, 终于开始出发了!

On the way towards south, the 风景 is FANTASTIC!!!
Saw some people canoeing early in the morning...

Wait a moment, it looks very familiar hor...

Have been there several times (just had a recent post on it), but first time looking at it from the sea...

Everything looks so "fresh" in the morning sun...

Arriving at the Batam Centre Ferry Terminal,

There, was received by the "tour-guide", who was supposed to bring us around on a half-day tour (including lunch), then send us back to hotel end of the day...

On the bus, saw this little boy had to start selling newspaper at this age to earn a living...

We were brought to the first tourist attraction, which is a temple.
Of course the beautiful flower there caught my lenses attention again...

We stayed there for almost 45min, and it started drizzling.

These 金元宝 is right at the front of the temple. HUAT AH!!!!

About one hour before lunch time, the bus brought us to this place called "Golden City", which is similar to an amusement park area, just next to our lunch destination...

Several activities which the tour-guide "encouraged" us to try out strongly, such as Flying-Fox, Go-Kart, etc...
(Of course there are charges for these, but I didn't try any of them =)

This is the Flying-Fox area.

The Go-Kart tracks were broad...

Oh, there was also the "Batam Flyer", but no one was on it...

There was the Cheng Ho ship too... (but I think it wasn't open)

There's this small park, to display the minatures of the different housing structures in Indonesia...

To be continued...

Monday, August 17, 2009

What a small world...

Recently had chanced upon a very amazing way of manipulating pictures, making them look like miniatures...
Experimented with a few of my pictures from previous posts, quite satisfied and amused at the results...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 44th Birthday, Singapore!!!


Some time ago, found a place with great view of our beautiful city...

Hereby dedicating this post to our 44th National Day...

We can see the Marina Barrage from a distance...

And a good view of the Singapore Flyer too!!!

Looking down from top of the world...

And right at this moment, I heard sounds of a helicopter flying past, and it's very very near...

They are doing the NDP rehearsals... Can you spot the helicopter??

And finally Mr Sun is going home for the day...


时间一分一秒的过去, 太阳也跟着回家去...

The city is slowly lighting up...

And finally the whole city is lighted up... The night view is as FANTASTIC!!!

Happy 44th Birthday, Singapore!!!


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