Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 44th Birthday, Singapore!!!

Some time ago, found a place with great view of our beautiful city...

Hereby dedicating this post to our 44th National Day...

We can see the Marina Barrage from a distance...

And a good view of the Singapore Flyer too!!!

Looking down from top of the world...

And right at this moment, I heard sounds of a helicopter flying past, and it's very very near...

They are doing the NDP rehearsals... Can you spot the helicopter??

And finally Mr Sun is going home for the day...


时间一分一秒的过去, 太阳也跟着回家去...

The city is slowly lighting up...

And finally the whole city is lighted up... The night view is as FANTASTIC!!!

Happy 44th Birthday, Singapore!!!


Anonymous said...

the qn is.............................WHERE??


Anonymous said...

my office..great view..:)

Anonymous said...

OH OH OH....hahaha...unexpected leh...that's a very nice view lor...

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