Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mochi & Momo

Introducing Mochi & Momo!
They are a pair of Netherland Dwarfs rabbits and I got them in April 2010.
Was told that Mochi (boy) was about 6 weeks & Momo (gal) was about 7 weeks at that time.
(Mochi could be a little camera shy sometimes, that's why he is hiding at the back...)

See how they brought joy to our lives...

1st night I brought them home, set up their new cage, water bottle, hay...
Look how "stunned" they are in the new environment...

After a while, they finally start to "explore" around a little and started eating...

This is Momo...

Then Mochi...

Let them out of the cage to further explore their new environment...

I tried to "ka-jiao" Momo with its "food", but no response leh...

Mochi also very lazy, kept lying in one corner...

Ooops... Momo!!

And my favourite pic of the day is...


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