Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And Finally... 答案揭晓

各位观众... It is the Legendary 十三么 again... edible!

Who will bear to eat these pieces of art...


Anonymous said...

OMG i nvr expect that lor...oh such lovely gift!!! i luv it sooooooo much hahaha...chui where did u get from??


Anonymous said...

i got it at vivocity..can tell our fren here is really the no 1 devoted member of MJCC rite! haha

Anonymous said...

but hor how much???? altho it's so lovely but i'm so 矛盾 whether to eat it anot..haha...
eat liao 心如刀割!!!! hahaha...

Anonymous said...

abt 30 bucks..ya i very 舍不得 eat it at first, but now its in our stomach liao hahaha

Anonymous said...

ermm... it frm chui to shyan rite??? haha.. chui, u also very lomantic lor... dun i'm not VERY interested to know hor.... BUT wat's ur pressie huh??

Anonymous said...

yup, i dun tink i will be fascinated by 十三么 lor haha.. btw his favourite "HUAT" is still intact ok..hahaha.
and I DUN HAVE PRESENT LOR! thats y i have to buy to spice up abit bit la, 感动 rite! hahaha

Anonymous said...

he say we win liao lor, his blog can oso become a chatting forum for us! He really 干败下风 man hahaha

Anonymous said...

u purposely buy for him or u pass by see then shun bian buy? chui can buy for me? i will be very very happy if u can give me!!! i really like it VERY MUCH....PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Anonymous said...

purposely one i saw it long ago..so ex normal days wont buy to eat for fun rite so tot vday is a gd time ma haha..ok i will buy for u NEXT V DAY ok! hehehe :P
ps: n dun forget my carnation next v day hor :)

Anonymous said...

on...we exchange ok....i will put reminder on my hp now.....u too hor...cos when coem to forgetfulness...we sama sama hahahaha

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