Sunday, March 1, 2009

Discovery of the new Water Playground

Marina Barrage: Officially opened in November 2008. The 15th reservoir in the heart of the city; latest downtown icon; water supply and flood control; lifestyle attraction...
(Information from

a beautiful water playground for kids...

And a romantic place for couples...

And you can get a good nice view of our beautiful city...

Such beautiful place and sceneries, I just can't stop snapping before I leave...

Doesn't this just remind you of the "silver surfer" from Fantastic 4??


Anonymous said...

i am going...soooooooo bea-ti-ful


Anonymous said...

jo n mi will love playin wif the water..

Anonymous said...

wah kaoz..sibei long no new updates leh..then still say no one read?? @#$%^&@#$%^& :P


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