Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Blue Mountains Part 2)

The following days at Blue Mountains were wet. We were all glad that we have covered the scenic lookouts on the first day.

On the secon
d day it rained very heavily in the morning, therefore we went out late when the rain got smaller. The only tourist spot we visited that day was the Jenolan caves.
Thanks to the GPS error, which brought us to Jenolan caves through the narrow, muddy country-side roads, instead of the faster, broader highway path. However we enjoyed the sceneries very much and were glad that we took this route. Saw the other beautiful, peaceful side of the country. Big grasslands everywhere, animals roaming freely on the land and we even caught sight of a family of wild kangaroos along the way.

Some brief
information below, extracted from

Regarded as Aust most outstanding cave syst - with 11 spectacular show caves, pure underground rivers and amazing formations - Jenolan caves is among the finest and oldest cave systems in the world.

Finally arriving at our destination...

There were different time slots allocated for each caves visit, and entrance fee is payable for visiting each caves. We just chose whichever is available in the next best time slot, which was the Imperial cave.

Below are some shots taken from inside the Imperial cave. Truly the rock and limestone formations are spectacular...

There is an underground river within the cave itself... Impressive!!

Third (also the last) day at the Blue Mountains, it continued to rained intermittently... No plans and no where to go in the morning in this rainy & cold weather...

We started heading back towards the Sydney City about lunchtime. On the way back, still drizzling, we passed by the Featherdale Wildlife Park.

In this wildlife park, some animals are allowed to roam around freely and "interact" with the human visitors. This is the first time I came this close to Koala bears and Kangaroos, and even hand-feed them...

It's like a mini-zoo, there are other animals, like little penguins, birds, reptiles, even bats... (of course the bats and reptiles are kept in cages...)

Those who belong to the "birds family"...

These are called "Little Penguins"...

Told ya... Bats and reptiles are well-kept in cages...

Erm... Anyone knows what these are called?? I didn't get their name...

The Kangaroos...

And of course, not to forget the Koala Bear!!
Heard that koala bears need many, many, many, many number of hours of sleep everyday...
See how it's enjoying its beauty sleep... Wah shiok leh!!

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

i like the featherdale wildife park...the koalas are so cute!! when can we go??? mj

akioumama said...

hmm..after ur hokkaido trip! :)

Anonymous said...

HUH...aft hokkaido trip?????? THAT WOULD BE WHEN I'M 55 LOR...---__---''''


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