Friday, May 1, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Blue Mountains Part 1)

Went for a business trip to Sydney in early April. I extended my stay there with a few of my colleagues so we have more time to explore the beautiful city in Australia, especially nice to travel there during the cool weather.

We visited a few tourist attractions in the suburbs and stayed in "Bed & Breakfast" style accomodation, these included the famous Blue Mountains and Hunter Valley. While most of the time we were together, there are few ocassions where I enjoyed exploring around on my own too.

Whether in the City or Suburbs, the sceneries, people, landmarks, everything is just soooooo beautiful that I just can't stop shooting away with my DSLR. When I came back, I realised I have taken over 1200++ pictures. Went through a long process of selection and still have so much pictures I wanted to share here, so I have to divide them into different episodes, according to the places which I went to... Enjoy!!!

I'll start off with the Blue Mountains.

The Blue Mountains National Park is located about 2 to 3 hours drive to the West of Sydney.
It offers spectacular scenery, plantlife and wildlife. The mountains reach a height of 1100m, and have been given their name due to the blue haze that hovered above the mountains produced by the oil from the plentiful Eucalyptus trees. Plenty of scenic lookout points and points of interest along the journey through to Blue Mountains. We drove there in 2 cars and stayed for a total of 3 days.

One of the very first Point of Interest we visited when we arrived at Blue Mountains on the first day is the Wentworth Falls.

We had to walk these narrow paths and down the stairs to reach the falls, and had to climb back upwards after that.

We were told by one of the tourist centres staffs that the next few days will be rainy and it would be best to visit the attractions today since it was a good weather day. We also knew that it would be dark very early during this period of the year. (Usually it starts to get dark about 5.30pm onwards because it is near winter)
Therefore we decided to visit as many lookout points as we could that day, before we "check in" to our accomodation when it's about to get dark.

Next, we went to another Point of Interest, Echo Point, where we can have a good view of the famous 3 Sisters Rock Formation.

The Three Sisters rock formation were formed by erosion. These soft sandstone is easily eroded over time by wind, rain and rivers. Eventually the Sisters will be eroded away completely.

Some shots from another less popular lookout point, called Black Heath. I was told that Black Heath is the highest point in Blue Mountain, therefore one could have better views of the mountain sceneries from that height. (Though it seemed to be the same to me)

Wonder what machine is that?? Probably he is making a movie starring the mountains and clouds...

About 6pm local time, we finally checked-in to our accomodation and drove out to the town area for dinner, worried that the cafes or eateries were closing soon. To my surprise, there are many Chinese eateries and restaurants around.
True enough, it started drizzling and the weather turned cold, dropped at least 5 degree celcius lower or more.
This shot above is taken from the restaurant we ate in. It is only local time 7.30pm. But it looks like 11pm to me back in my home town.

To be continued...


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