Friday, October 9, 2009

Batam Weekend Getaway (Part 2)

A very popular lunch venue tour-agencies always bring tourists to, is the famous "Golden Prawn 933", a "kelong-themed" seafood restaurant...

After the seafood lunch, the program was to bring us to a nearby park to watch some traditional Indonesian dance-show performances...

People were just seated down and waiting for the performance to start. Meanwhile, let's take a look at the surroundings...

White elephants...


第一首为大家表演的舞蹈是 <<当我们快乐同在一起>>...

多谢大家的支持... 也别忘了给幕后工作者一些掌声... 感谢你...

不好意思, 因为刚才忙着彩排, 所以午餐吃得不是很饱...
我还有点饿, 现在就为大家表演 "吃椰子" (的壳)...

哇, 吃饱了, 通常我喜欢吃点玻璃当甜品...

妈妈常说, 吃饱后做一些简单的运动, 可以帮助消化...

The itinery after lunch was to bring us to a nearby shopping centre. We went to Nagoya Hill Shopping Centre...

Look, there's still A&W around!

After the shopping, finally it was time to check-into the hotel...
This was the hotel we stayed in, Panorama Regency...

Not bad huh the room... Very spacious!

And has good view too!

In case anybody finds this above picture familiar, I have used it to experiment with the "miniature effect" in previous post...

Just across the street opposite to our Hotel, this is the Planet Holiday Hotel... Panorama and Planet Holiday is the 2 tallest hotel in Batam, 22 and 21 storeys respectively...

Right on top of Planet Holiday there's a Sky-Lounge, where visitors can have their food and drinks, while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Batam City from elevation...
To be continued...


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