Monday, October 12, 2009

Batam Weekend Getaway (Part 3)

The 2nd day was Free and Easy. Just explored around freely before ending our Batam tour with the evening Ferry ride back home...

I had did a little bit of homework before I came, read that many people recommended the famous "Yong Kee Seafood Restaurant" (Must Try!!!). Therefore we kept asking along the way for directions and finally found it...

Ordered a fish, a seafood soup and some vegetables...

Seriously I would recommend anyone going to Batam to try, especially the seafood soup is very very nice (到现在我还对它的味道念念不忘).

After lunch, just roamed around without any destination though it was drizzling lightly...

Haven't seen these kind of traditional push carts or tidbits-stores around for some time...

As mentioned in previous post, there is a Sky-Lounge at the Top-Level of the Planet Holiday Hotel. Happily walked towards the Hotel which was just nearby, and thinking of having a good mug of beer while enjoying the great view, since we still had a few hours before heading to the Ferry Terminal.

To our surprise, when the lift door opened at Level 22...

After checking with the Hotel staff, they told us the Sky-Lounge closes daily at 2pm, and reopens at 6pm for dinner, which was too late for us since we had a ferry to catch... Sighz...
不管怎样, 硬硬就是要拍到一张从高处望下去的风景照...

Shooting through the glass window from the closed door =)

Finally we ended up at the bar in the Hotel Lobby Level 1 for our drink...

After our drink, drizzling had stopped. We still had time, decided to check out another nearby hotel, Goodway Hotel...
This was also one of my initial choices as I have read some good feedback about the hotel... Check it out!

It was time to head to the Ferry Terminal for checking in...
At Batam Centre Ferry Terminal, we still had a little bit of time for last-minute shopping at Mega Mall, currently the biggest shopping mall in Batam...
There's nothing to shop actually, therefore we kept eating and eating to kill time...
For tea break, we bought donuts from J.Co, I can't remember what flavor we bought, think some "cheesy" flavour which we don't find back home... It was nice!
Just less than an hour later, we were finding out where to eat for dinner... We found this pizza & pasta restaurant... What?! 50,000 dollars for a meal?!
Oh I see, it's in Rupee... Rupee 50,000 is very cheap for a 2 person set-meal in fact...
终于决定在这里落脚吧! 气氛还不错哦!

哇, 丰富的晚餐就要开始了...

Interestingly, while we were going through the choice of pizzas available, this "banana-flavoured" pizza seemed to be very unique... It's quite sweet and I liked it... Creative hor?!
After makan, we saw something in the mall that was very amusing to us...
When we passed by this kids' level, there are many kids-ride available, in the form of Motorcycles or Cars...
However, if you noticed, the "little car" is being controlled by the guy in red, who is the staff there, with a remote-control in his hands. That means the poor little child was driving a car, which was being controlled by another person...
I think this little boy was "kan-cheong", he must be looking for his "controller". Because without his "controller" he could not drive!

Home Sweet Home!


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