Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Driving Southwards, The Grand Pacific Drive Part 1)

On the last day at Hunter Valley, which is also one day before I'm departing for this trip, the group started to have different plans.

There's this couple who wanted to set off early and head back straight to the City, and spend the rest of the afternoon at Bondi Beach; the family of three decided to stay in Hunter Valley to explore further until afternoon, before heading back to the City.

Now I was alone and didn't want to join either of the group, decided to head back to the City, and then go driving around to explore on my own... Since I didn't want to waste the car rental and the rest of the afternoon...

It was suggested to me that I could drive southwards, to Wollongong...
The journey passes through a Royal National Park, which is supposed to be a scenic drive route for visitors...

I switched to the other white Hyundai and drove with the couple back towards the city, arriving at about 2pm... Dropping them at Bondi Beach, Wow!!! The sea-view is fabulous...

Now I was alone for the rest of the afternoon to start my adventure southwards...

Driving away from Bondi, the sea-view looks good from my rear-mirror... Can't help but stopped to take a few more shots...

With the aid of GPS, I continued driving on the unfamiliar roads and highway for about more than two hours before I finally found these signs...

It was about between 4 to 5pm. The sun looked like it was going to set anytime soon.
Happy to know that I was on the right track, I followed the signs and continued on.
The roads are very long and narrow, with very little cars.
After driving for 45minutes, the road still looked the same, like this...

Seemed like you never know when it is going to end...
And I thought to myself: "Thought this was supposed to be a 'scenic drive'??"
Anyway I moved on and finally saw some signs...

This is Otford Lookout...
A scenic lookout point means you must stop to take some nice pictures...

Let's walk nearer to the cliff and see how steep and high it is...
Wow... careful...

And definitely a cool weather to ride in motorcycle...

I figured out it was about 2 to 3 hours more before the sun set.
I knew that once the sun had set, I will be driving in real darkness back along the Grand Pacific Drive until I hit the main roads...

I knew for sure I wouldn't have enough time to reach Wollongong, but at least I wanted to go as far as I possibly could before it got dark...
I drived on for some distance and came to Bald Hill, and decided to get out of the car to take a look...

I thought it was just another scenic lookout place, just like Otford...

I walked on and to my surprise, I saw a group of people getting ready to do "Hang Gliding"...

Wondering what does "Hang Gliding" means??

This was a new and interesting activity to me. Can't help but kept snapping away...
Will be sharing more pictures of Hang Gliding in next post...
To be continued...


Anonymous said...

shyan, very daring wor....driving all alone on unfamiliar road...i bet u missed mrs tham and hoping she's just rite beside u!!

Bondi beach is nice....i like the houses just by the beach...very scenic lor...

so when u 2 planning to go there TOGETHER?


akiouma on July 16, 2009 at 8:55 AM said...

haha... Must be adventurous mah...
Erm... We're in the process of planning... Will definitely want to go back!!!

Anonymous said...

really??? when when when??? tell me in adv leh....then i see if i can tag along...unless u wan PRIVACY la...hahaha...then bo bian lor..

akiouma on July 17, 2009 at 3:29 PM said...

Can... of course no problem!!!
Let me know how much you sponsoring for the trip... then I'll consider bringing you along :)

Anonymous said...


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