Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Driving Southwards, The Grand Pacific Drive Part 2)

This guy was doing some last minute checking of his gears, getting ready to take off with the help of his friend...

Taking off in process...
Wow... wondering what kind of feeling it is to be flying like a bird...
Imagine a bird-eye's view from up there...

Time always flies when you are enjoying yourself...
It was getting darker every minute and I have to start heading back to where I came from...
I knew I had to find my way back to the main road, in darkness, as there isn't any lightings around in the Pacific Driveway. The only light that I could rely on was the headlight of my car...

I managed to find my way back to the main Highway, and drove to the Sydney Airport to return the car.
After that I took a train back to Sydney City...
And finally the next day, it's time for me to go home, and this entry concludes my Sydney Holiday in April 2009...
On my way to the airport in a cab...
Felt a little 舍不得。。。
A shot of the skyline, looking out from the plane's window.
Thanks for reading and "sharing" my Australia Holidays, and hope you've enjoyed it as much as I did...


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