Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sydney, Australia (Hunter Valley, The Wine Country Part 4)

Of course in the Wine Country, other than the wineries, there are lots of other interesting places and nice sceneries, many pictures of nice objects to share too...

We followed instructions on the visitors' map and came to a "Scenic Lookout" place on top of a hill, looking down from elevation...

We drove past a beautiful lake, with horses roaming freely on the grassland next to the lake...

There was this beautiful chapel... It was empty though at the time of our visit...

There was this interesting game, which they call it the "Aqua Golf".
Basically one just pay to hit the golf balls into the net on the water...

Another scenic lookout area, with animals. Check it out...

Did you notice one cow stands out from the crowd??

Other miscellaneous shots...

And like I mentioned in my earlier posts, that there are many bright-colored flowers around.
Don't you think they're gorgeous?? Flowers of different colors, different shapes, species, etc... Enjoy...

This is the last entry for the beautiful Wine Country, Hunter Valley of Sydney, Australia...
Next entry onwards, also the last category finally, will be on my self-exploration driving trip Southwards of Sydney...
To be continued...


EY said...

v nice photos! enjoy reading yr posts

akiouma on July 10, 2009 at 2:23 AM said...

Hi EY,
Thanks for reading.
Glad you've enjoyed it... ;0)

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